What we do

Doctors synthesize the medical literature and make recommendations for care

Each year, almost 700,000 studies are published in roughly 5,000 medical journals. The average practicing physician, much less a patient, cannot possibly keep pace with each new discovery and the changing face of medicine.

We solve that problem by finding the world’s leading experts in each medical subspecialty and recruiting them to synthesize the medical literature within their area of expertise. They take the latest findings, and distill them into articles that explain how emerging scientific discoveries should affect the everyday practice of medicine. We ask them to do this every four months—or more often, if groundbreaking studies are published.

UpToDate used to be available only to physicians. But patients told us they, too, wanted to be privy to this gold mine of information. We listened.

With UpToDate you get answers to your medical questions and the confidence to make medical decisions in partnership with your healthcare provider.